Monday, June 04, 2007


we stopped at the border between alberta and saskatchewan to document my first entrance into the province
mel is testing her long-lasting lipstick on roz
while mel was at the spa roz and i ran around buying their wedding present and getting decorations and groceries for the bachelorette party

just after this picture was taken an older man tried to jump in it with his arm around me. awkward.

then in the safeway an old lady told me she loved me. awkward again.

also, that silver wrapping paper you see me holding...yeah, we bought it to wrap our present for them. unfortunately it's not actually silver. no, no. it's clear cellophane. good times trying to wrap that gift seen below...

those aren't christmas trees...they're upsidedown wedding cakes. don't worry, on the other side they're upright. our wrapping job was so pathetic...we used a whole roll, and you could still see some of the cardboard box on the sides. hahaha.

we kidnapped mel and blindfolded her and put a tiara on her head. we took her all around town like this, even in public places. it was good times driving since roz and i had never been to regina before and we had to get places without saying street names so mel wouldn't figure out where we were, plus we had to zig zag a bit to confuse her. we did a really good job at getting around though, i must say.

we went to moxie's for drinks and appetizers and rebekah was able to join us also. i really didn't drink all the drinks, they just put their glasses by me so i'd look like i was an alcoholic or something in the picture.

then we went back to lester's place which roz and i had hurriedly decorated before picking mel up from the spa. we did our nails and watched a movie and ate tons of food and all that good stuff

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