Tuesday, September 05, 2006

cycling with julie

before i show you the videos let me tell you a little story about these bikes. we borrowed them from karyn and nicole. they are mountain bikes. i am no longer used to riding mountain bikes. you have to lean so far forward! it's weird. karyn's front wheel likes to turn separately from the handlebars. and, oh yeah, i'm used to pedal brakes, not handle brakes. so it made for an interesting ride. and julie couldn't remember how many years it had been since she rode a bicycle. we're off to a good start, eh? so we took off and we saw these "bike path ahead" signs. took us a long time before we made it to the bike path. but we got to the bike path at confederation park, and it was really beautiful. we had to dodge people a little bit (we didn't have bells and saying "hallo" doesn't really work) but other than that it was misadventure free. oh yeah, we kept having this jogger pass us. very embarrassing. anywho, here are some videos i attempted while riding nicole's mountain bike.

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